As the warmer weather is finally here, it’s time that we start to think about how to keep our pets cooler in the heat. The summer sun can cause many different health concerns for our pets, but the heat can really affect rabbits in particular.
Let’s take a look at how we can keep our rabbits “totally Pawsome” by keeping them nice and cool in the summer months.
What temperature is too hot for rabbits?
Rabbits can have an increased risk of overheating, thanks to their thick fur which keeps them nice and toasty in the winter. However, whilst they may shed some of their fur in the summer months, it can be a hindrance in warmer weather.
So, what temperature is too hot for rabbits? To put it simply, if we are struggling in the heat – they probably are too! A rabbit’s ideal outdoor temperature is between 12 – 21 degrees celsius.
Whilst they can tolerate temperatures up to 30 degrees celsius, they can still suffer from signs of heat stroke.
Risks of heatstroke
Heatstroke is a potentially fatal condition where the body overheats and the organs start to shut down. If you think that your rabbit has heat stroke, you should call us immediately on 01623 203529.
Never try to cool your rabbit down quickly, as this can send their body into shock. Many people instinctively try to cool them down with cold water, but this can make the situation much worse.
Symptoms of heatstroke include:
– Fast, rapid breathing
– Lethargy
– Weakness in limbs
– Unconsciousness
– Open mouth breathing
– Red ears
Always seek medical attention as soon as possible if you suspect that your pet has heatstroke.
How to keep rabbits cool in the heat
There are many different ways that we can keep rabbits cool in the heat, especially if their enclosure is kept outside.
Allow plenty of shade – If your rabbit’s enclosure is in full sun, it’s important to move it into the shade. Wooden enclosures can quickly overheat and should never be left out in the sun.
If you can’t move their home, place a parasol or gazebo over the top of it. The temperature in the shade can be significantly cooler than in the sun, so your furry friends will be sure to appreciate the relief.
Place frozen water bottles in their enclosure – Working the opposite way to hot water bottles, frozen water bottles help bunnies to regulate their own body temperatures, whilst also cooling down the surrounding environment.
Place a selection of bottles around their enclosure of varying sizes, so that they can explore and graze as usual, whilst also having the option to cool themselves down.
Keep them well groomed – Giving your rabbits a good brush helps to remove excess fur which has the potential to trap in the heat. They are sure to appreciate you shedding the extra layers of fur to give them a bit of relief from the heat.
Grooming your rabbit also helps to remove soiled fur. This lowers the risk of a potentially fatal disease known as flystrike. This is where flies lay their eggs in the soiled fur, allowing the maggots to hatch and cause injury to your rabbits skin.
Flystrike is a medical emergency and you should call Pawsome Vets on 01623 203529 as soon as possible if you think that your rabbit may have flystrike.
Offer them a cool mat – Cool mats are a fantastic way to offer your rabbits a cooler place to lie and chill out. The mat absorbs the heat from your bunny, helping them to cool down quicker.
Many cool mats contain a gel that helps to keep them cool, so if your bunny enjoys chewing, then it is best to avoid these types of mats. You can get specific mats for rabbits which are made from timothy hay or woven grass, which will keep them cool whilst also being safe to ingest.
An alternative would be to place a large tile or slate in your rabbit’s run, which often stays cool in the shade.
Provide plenty of fresh water – Fresh water is a must and bunnies should have access to plenty throughout the day. You can get creative and place vegetables within dishes of water, or even freeze the vegetables to make a nutritious ice lolly!
Giving your rabbit top-notch care at Pawsome vets
Here at Pawsome Vets, we are dedicated to giving your rabbits the care and attention they deserve. Our veterinary surgeons offer a range of services for you and your bunnies, including vaccinations, health check appointments and neutering surgery.
We’d love to see you and your rabbits. Give us a call on 01623 203529 to book an appointment.
How to keep rabbits cool inside
If you have house bunnies, it’s luckily usually cooler inside. If you have air conditioning, then your rabbits will be blessed with the cooler air. If you’re not able to have air conditioning at home, there are a few ways to help keep the heat out.
Close the curtains – One of the easiest ways to keep your rooms cool in the summer is to close the curtains. This blocks the sun from shining into your rabbit’s room and keeps the air nice and cool.
Purchase a fan – Fans help to circulate the air in the room, avoiding it becoming stagnant. Some modern fans also cool the air down, acting as a mini air conditioning system.
Provide a damp towel – Damp towels placed on the floor help to provide a cool surface for your rabbit to lie on. The damp towel draws heat from your rabbits body, allowing them to cool down quickly.
Rabbit vaccinations near me at Pawsome Vets
We can keep your pets happy and safe at Pawsome Vets by offering annual vaccinations for rabbits. No matter whether you have a rabbit that needs to start their vaccines, or a rabbit that needs their annual booster – we’ve got you covered.
If you think that your rabbit may need their vaccines, pop into practice or call us on 01623 203529.
To find more information on our vaccination price list, head over to our services and facilities page.
Final thoughts
Keeping your pets cool in the summer is vital to keep them happy and safe. No matter what pet you own, if you are ever worried about their health during the warmer months, it is super important that you call Pawsome Vets in Sutton in Ashfield as soon as possible.
We’re here to keep your pets feeling pretty Pawsome, no matter the season. We also have a number of ways in which we can support your furry friends, so discover our pet health plans for cats and dogs here!